National Transit Service - TaaS - Public Transportation


Transportation can be a door-to-door service nationwide. The NTS transportation service is automated from start to finish for safety and low cost. The NTS public transportation service would decarbonize transportation by using electric vehicles that derive 70% of their power from solar energy. 

We are proposing a nationwide transit service. NTS uses various types of electric vehicle determined by use to take travelers from door to door anywhere on the continent. NTS requires a dedicated roadway that powers and controls autonomous electric vehicles as they travel. Stations control access to the roadway and contain parking and cleaning services for the electric vehicles between trips. Stations also contain public restrooms, retail shops, salons, spa's and fast food restaurants.  Items ordered online and fast food can be dispensed as passengers exit the stations. In order to make access to the powered roadway convenient stations will be placed every one to four miles a long strategically place routes so that 80% of and urban population is within 4 miles of an access station. 

NTS is designed to be low cost to use and cut travel times by 50 - 85%.  By lifting through traffic off conventional roads  traffic congestion can in most cases be eliminated.  The miracle of NTS is that despite its small footprint only 38 ft wide it has the capacity of a 20 lane interstate highway.  The NTS powered roadway or guidway has a roof over it covered by solar panels generating the power for the vehicles and protecting the roadway from wind, rain, snow and ice. With NTS travel will not be delayed or slowed by normal weather events.  

The construction and use of NTS will replace all other modes of travel with exception of long distance and intercontinental flights. The use of all electric NTS vehicles will reduce CO2 by 30% and other fuel based emissions by at least 80% nationwide. NTS would change the way people travel. People would no longer be delayed by weather, or traffic congestion. Trips not possible now for the elderly, the very young, those with disabilities and the disadvantaged would all have access to the easy and coinvent travel that owning a car now affords. 

Waiting in long lines at airports having travel delayed or evan cancelled would no long afflict millions of people every week. Safe fast travel would no longer necessitate gaterning together in large crows of people to travel together on a schedule that  maybe available only a few times a day. With NTS travel is private, at anytime, and door to door